I am a property manager
Covid-19 - Frequently Asked Questions
My account
- How do I change my bank account information?
- How do I stop receiving emails?
- What kind of email notifications are available?
- How can I remove, add, or change my email address?
- How do I add a new user?
- What are user groups and what are their access levels?
General questions
- What do I do when I get an Import or Export Failure email?
- Where do I find emails that were sent to me previously?
- How do I stop my homeowner or renter from receiving email reminders?
- How do I cancel a payment?
- The 1099-K amount does not match the amount of my rental income for the year?
- Why is the 1099-K amount so much higher than the amount of my deposits for the year?
Statements and reports
Managing my staff
Managing my residents
Payment issues
Receiving payments
- What is the promotion code field used for?
- Can you help me with Payment Batches and Reconciliations?
- How can I scan checks?
- How are payments processed on Weekend & Holidays?
- How soon will a resident be notified if their payment was debited from their account?
- How do I process a renter or applicant payment in my office?