1) Verify that your check scanning device is turned on and plugged into the computer.
2) Login to the check scanning driver software on your computer with your RentPayment username and password.
3) On a PC the check scanning software icon is usually located in the lower right corner of your desktop next to the date and time.
4) Right click on the icon and go to "Options" to view your login. Your password will be encrypted. If you need to change your check scanner login, do so in these boxes, click "OK". The login for the scanner should always match your RentPayment login.
5) Close the check scanner software box, right click on the icon again and go to "options” to confirm the new information is stored.
After you have done this, please attempt to rescan another check.
If you continue to experience issues with your scanner, please contact Accountmanagement@rentpayment.com for additional help.