1099-K’s are sent out at the end of January, and should be received by mid-February.
Articles in this section
- What do I do when I get an Import or Export Failure email?
- Where do I find emails that were sent to me previously?
- How do I stop my homeowner or renter from receiving email reminders?
- How do I cancel a payment?
- The 1099-K amount does not match the amount of my rental income for the year?
- Why is the 1099-K amount so much higher than the amount of my deposits for the year?
- I’ve already filed my taxes, will I need to amend?
- Why haven’t I received my 1099-K?
- You’ve issued a 1099-K to me, but I have separate LLC’s set up for my listings/properties
- I need a summary of my transactions for tax purposes